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…In The Dark

Grace Folsom steals every scene she’s in. – David Opie, Flickering Myth

… the real reason to watch it is for Grace Folsom’s effective performance as an innocent consumed by evil. – Adam Mast, Cinemast

On the positive end, Folsom was the standout for me. She is incredible in the role of the beleaguered Bethany. – Life Between Frames

Folsom is excellent (just like she was in Things I Don’t Understand) as a deeply troubled girl. – Hugo Ozman, Twitch 

When Lois and the skeptical Veronica begin to try to reach Bethany, it’s the demon inhibiting Bethany that pushes back and when it does, it’s absolutely terrifying in ways that we as horror fans just don’t get very often. Grace Folsom’s performance as Bethany is one that absolutely fires on all cylinders, she’s just THAT good. – Jerry Smith, Icons Off Right

But the character who I feel really stole the show was Bethany (Folsom). Every movement, the way she delivered her dialogue was fantastic.  – The Scream Review

That emotional transformation is in part driven by Folsom’s gripping portrayal of the vulnerable Bethany. The actress powerfully chronicles how her sensitive character, who thrives on expressing her emotions through her expressive paintings, loses touch with her true emotions and identity, and succumbs to the entities that have harrowingly taken control of her body. Folsom intriguingly and fearlessly emphasizes Bethany’s possession through her entrancing contortions of her body, which believably makes it appear as though her character is actually succumbing to the demonic forces that she claims have taken control of her. – Shockya

Things I Don’t Understand

“…Folsom’s amazing portrayal of Sarah adds sheer brilliance to the film.” – Twitch

“The shining star in this cast… a delight” – Lost in Reviews

“Folsom nails the part as a loveable, sharp-witted girl…” – Behind the Hype

“Folsom’s performance is stunning… ” The Stop Button

“…watching Folsom go from zero to sixty and back emotionally is amazingly resonate.” – Jared Mobarak

“The moments with Sara (Folsom) are the film’s strongest” – Pictureshow Pundits

219577_193976557313436_111001_o“The best reason to see Things is for Grace Folsom’s performance… Sharp and sarcastic, never for a moment allowing anyone to feel sorry for her, yet revealing her own vulnerabilities near the end, this is one great character and performance. What makes Folsom’s performance more remarkable is that most of her acting is from the neck up, while sitting in a wheel chair or in bed. It’s in her eyes, her facial expressions, her voice. Hopefully others will take notice.”
Pete Nelhaus

“Folsom, in her first feature film, is simply extraordinary as Sara, Violet’s interviewee and a woman facing her own mortality at far too young an age. Folsom’s Sara gives the film its emotional depth thanks to Folsom’s ability to be both vulnerable, spirited and, as Violet notes, downright snarky.”
The Independent Critic © Written by Richard Propes

“Folsom transforms the cancer patient Sara into a fount of inner beauty and peace prevailing over her disease” – The Flickhead

The best performance in “Things I Don’t Understand” however belongs to Grace Folsom as Sara. The role of a terminally ill person can be a thankless one as we have seen it so many times to where it becomes shamelessly manipulative and full of overused clichés. But Folsom fully inhabits this character with a hard won dignity and a biting sense of humor that keeps what’s left of her spirits up. Everything Folsom does here feels genuine and real, and her emotions never ever appear faked or are manipulated by the director.
Ben Kenber

“As Sara Lowe, Grace Folsom is a standout. The catalyst through which we see into the true heart and soul of Violet, Folsom goes for the jugular with some particularly heart-wrenching scenes that are not only pivotal to the storyline but drive the film forward. Folsom brings a loving touch of humor to the terminally ill Sara.”
Debbie Lynn Elias

“And Folsom is really wonderful, selling us both the idea that Sara is living life as fully as she can in her final days and the fact that being at peace with your fate doesn’t make it any less scary or unfair.  She gets to play both the real Sara and an imaginary version Violet uses as a mental sounding board, and the difference between the two performances gives you a sense of just how good this young actress, making her feature film debut, can be.”
The View From the Balcony: Lamar’s Blog615395_429019457142477_479339186_o

“Grace Folsom is also deserving of praise and really shines in her feature film debut. The two actresses stand out amongst a more than capable supporting cast… and I’d expect to see a lot more from these two in the coming years.”
Gary Collinson, Flickering Myth

“Grace Folsom transforms the cancer patient Sara into a fountain of inner beauty and peace prevailing over her disease, evolving into a perfect counterpoint and friend to Violet.”

See what the director says about Grace